
How to know when your child is old enough to brush by themselves? When they are old enough to tie their shoe laces. Frequent reminders may still be necessary though until they leave home!

kids dental

Visit the dentist

  • By now, 6 monthly to yearly check- ups should be routine. This will prevent minor problems from becoming major problems.
  • Molars do not shed, so when the first molar erupts take careful care to keep it brushed and cavity free. Sealants are recommended on these teeth particularly as to prevent cavities from forming in the fissures. This can usually be done without local anaesthetics, and are relatively easy if the child is used to the dentist.
  • The sealants that we use are BPA free, and white in colour.


  • It goes without saying that sugary foods and beverages should only be given on occasion, if ever.
  • Snacking the whole day is also not good for teeth, as the saliva does not have a chance to clean the teeth, and bacteria have the perfect environment to multiply in.


  • As boring as it sounds, water is a perfect beverage, encourage your child to enjoy water.
  • Get a mouth guard for your child if they play contact or ball sport. A custom fitted tray made by your dentist is a far superior option to a pharmacy bought tray, which is often bulky and offers minimal protection.
  • The big teeth that erupt often appear more yellow than the baby teeth. This is because of the large pulp chamber in the tooth that houses the nerve and blood vessels. It becomes smaller over time and the tooth will take on a whiter appearance. It is normal, do not be alarmed!
  • Puffy gums that bleed easily are in indicator of poor brushing habits. Take your child to have a professional cleaning at the dentist, and receive some oral hygiene instruction.

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Thank you Meditrader partner South Coast Aesthetics and Dental for the article.